Thursday, December 31, 2009


Faith is one word which can be used in different ways.It is an emotion,an identity and more than that a great force which literally, can move mountains. In the name of faith the maximum number of bloodshed happened.People are very posessive about their faith and they are ready to die and kill for it.Because they believe that their faith is the truth, nothing but the truth.This belief has been the root cause of all wars.But how can a noble emotion become a killer?
Faith in mass level can be a larger energy reservoir which can be used by a manipulator.When faith turns to a concrete religion,the list of do's and dont's adds up and any violation ends up in destruction.
All the established Religions in the world are now in a dilemma because leaders of religion never tried to re interpret moral code of conduct in holy texts which are actually mere reflections of the reality of the time of its creation.Anything which does not try to adapt is supposed to perish in the near future,as per nature's rule.But religious fundamentalism is growing because of people's fear of new phenomena like globalisation.
In Europe,the Catholic religion is deeply criticised by many new age film makers.Many protest all over the world is happening against religious hegemony which is the source of inequal laws.In India where religion is part and parcel of life,one still wonder about faith because it has more connotations than religious.
Faith is that belief in something which you hold strong when something goes wrong.It is your backup when you fail.It is the extreme trust that things are going to be fine.If this can be kept in an individual level,it can create wonders.It gives immense strength to one .All people who changed the world had faith in plenty.But equally important is that one should never impose this faith on anyone else.One has to search and find it freely without any bondage.Only a strong person can stick to it.Weaker people forget the core and run for symbols and become faithfully FAITHLESS.
Everybody has to have faith in something and it should be whole hearted.Let us forget the boundaries for a while in this New Year eve and hold our FAITH tight for a better tomorrow.
HAPPY 2010.....
LET THERE BE LIGHT....................

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Films are an integral part of our life now especially in India where people live and die for their favourite stars.It is an industry which is a prime employer to many and at the same time a complex expression of art where many talents come together. There are people who think about it as a weapon of social change and political propaganda. But majority take it as a method to relax.Some movie makers only like abstract ways of telling a story which they claim as realistic.Some like to show more violence to make things real.Some prefer pornography.Well, whatever be the theme, the way it has been told matters a lot.
A good movie is one which communicate the feelings and situation of characters to you.A good screenplay,proper casting and characterisation with good editing and moreover the sincerity of the film maker makes a movie memorable.It should use the visual possibilities more rather than depending entirely on dialogues.Movies like WAY HOME(KOREA) in spite of simplicity atracts you because of these factors.It should not shout the social message louder but help the viewer to interpret things in a subtle way.
I wish to share some of my all time favourite movies here(The list can be longer,of course but I am sticking to 10).
1 BICYCLE THIEVES: The Italian neo realist classic of the early 50's is still surprising with excellent camera and universal theme.
2 AMADEUS : What matter when you love and hate someone so much at the same time?Watch Murray Abraham as Saliery in this wonderful musical to know.
3 SOUND OF MUSIC :A tale of bravery with immortal music.
4 CHILDREN OF HEAVEN : The most sincere movie about children.You start adoring every character.
5 SHATRANJ KE KHILADI : The best example of a story adoption to movie.A master stroke by the great Satyajit Ray.
6 MONSOON WEDDING : Get transported to a Punjabi wedding where some universal family issues attract your senses.
8 I SERVED THE KING OF ENGLAND : Erotically humorous.
9 NOTEBOOK(malayalam) : Extremely bold,balanced and sincere take on teenage.
10 RATATOUILLE : This animation movie talks about importance of being yourself in a very different way.
I prefer positive movies and like Hrishikesh Mukherji's movies very much.Action and thriller also are always welcome.
Hope to see more...
LET THERE BE LIGHT,camera and action!!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Whenever there is a quarrel between two people of considerable age difference, the old one in almost all cases end up saying"I have seen more than you".With the number of years he/she lived in the world to support this claim, this statement is a trumpcard of the senior in every game of generation gap.Well, it is technically correct.But can it be a general rule that elders know more?Can a man of forty who never experienced anything other than his daily routine claim this to a younger fellow with more experience of the world?
In simple societies where everyone does the same kind of work,age and experience are directly correlated.But in a complex world with so much of professions an aged person may not always be the most experienced or knowledgable.
O K; But what about the wisdom? Younger people are supposed to know more nowadays but they lack wisdom: that is what many think.Another complaint which we hear often is youngsters do not respect age now a days because they think that they know better.But the truth is wise people irrespective of age are still being respected now.
Wisdom is an ability to think beyond mere facts which helps one understand people better.It is a gentle,cool way of analysis based on one's experiences.And to be frank, it again has nothing to do with how long one has lived in this earth.If one continue to fail to learn from life,he cannot be wise.You do not even need to be a voracious reader or a big traveler to gain wisdom.It comes from understanding the rules of nature and more than that understanding oneself.A wise person will have a lot of common sense and humour sense like the zen gurus.He will not take life too serious but just flow like a river.
Wisdom is like a bell in the jungle.It may not be visible easily.But when a breeze touches it,it sweetly chimes which can be heard miles away.Only when situation arise,wisdom can be perceived.A younger one can be wise if he/she is true to him/her self which is the greatest posession one can have.So age alone does not guarantee any one respect unless they are wise.
LETS BE WISE...........