Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I know many youngsters who are workaholics and want to make the most when they are young say,before they turn forty.Many even admit that once they reach middle age, they will retire from the mundane tiring jobs in which they are in and will chase their dreams.They want to use the time when they are healthy to make a secure future before they enjoy.For this they are ready to take up extra jobs in their leisure time(if they have any)also because they say "time is money".
Well, I was taken aback because for me this sentence meant something different."Time is money" I think, does not mean that you should convert all your time into money making. It talks about time as a greatest wealth one can have.In other words, those who have enough time at his/her disposal is the richest.It is important in life that one should have enough time for one self ,to do things one love.And as you cannot bring back time once it is passed,it is more important that one should live in present, do things which one want at this moment rather than postponing it till one feel financially secure.Sadly, in spite of all religious texts emphasising this point of living in present, very few only seems to realise its importance.
People once they are lucky say about the perfect "timing" with which the things happened.This timing or the "right things at right time" is a bonus for people who respect time and live in the moment.The prisoners of past and the gamblers of future cannot be blessed with "timing" because they may never be able to keep up with present.
So before you work extra time for the better future of your kid,think about the child who want your time now more than he/she want your money in future.Do not expect that you will chase your dreams when you are old and secure(you will be tired,only).Its now or never because "time is money".....grab it now and utilise it for you before it is too late.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


When I first heard about the "time when each human listens to other like music" it appeared to be such a beautiful world.There were also promises for an egalitarian world where everyone will be treated alike.But how can people with different abilities be treated alike was a puzzle.
Communism is the most influential political ideology happened in the world because of the huge promises it carried(almost like a religion) and the material analysis which was very appealing.Even after the end of soviet union,we still have china and cuba and a lot of people who practise different versions of it from the socialists to maoists.
Communism presents a highly narrow view of society which tend to portray rich as bad and poor as good.It made making money with hardwork a sin and fail to acknowledge individual merits and differences.It violates many principles of nature and basic human instincts.And in principle it put more restrictions to people and took more life than Nazism or Fascism.And the opiating effect of it is higher than that of any religion.
What about Capitalism which is the natural enemy of Communism?Well, the competition and chances of growth are the good things about it but the emphasis on making things big can always put pressure on human life.It always highlight instant success and state that one can sell anything with advertisement.It sometimes set unrealistic targets which can be often cancerous.Still The democracy which is supposed to be the best system of governance so far ,work best with capitalism.With the mantra "think global act local" capitlism can work well for countries like India with a proper balance of welfare measures and market forces.
In the name of equality one should not vouch for uniformity.No one should be banned from pursuing one's own path.State should not put too much restrictions on one's life but should try to give basic facilities to all so that people should be naturally ready to compete.Too much protectionism always hinder development.
Differences are the very nature of life.It does not make things superior or inferior.It is the hierarchical thinking which create problems.Even in the worst of times ,people have a choice.If one is free and confident within there is no need for any "isms"to make the world a better place to live in.