Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Women of India are facing a stage of transition now.The society is debating about the length of her dress,the time of her outings,the limits she should not cross etc.Every Government Doccument mentions women empowerment.The 33 per cent reservation for women in higher level politics is also being talked about.But will allocation of something result in empowerment?
People try to associate machoism with empowerment often.So women who dress upin jeans and talk rough are empowered?Certainly not.......
Empowerment is nothing but power to make choice.In Indian situation,it is difficult for many,not only women as a category.We have a tradition of elders deciding for their kids.This very idea rejects the concept of empowerment.That is why even educated and well employed people have a mindset of slaves.An empowered person will be the one who know what he or she is and one who enjoy every moment of life....Real empowerment leads to confidence and compassion.
I heard a Baul singer one year ago.She amazed me with her voice and rhythm sense.Recently when i saw her performance again,I understood what an empowered person is.With the help of two instruments, she sings and dances taking the audience to new heights of spirituality.Her songs reflect a free spirit,a child like innocence and unconditional love.She may not talk about empowerment,but she is an epitome of it.

When I watched Sudha Ragunathan performing recently,I felt the same sense of empowerment.She was quite at ease,interacting with audience,fully on command and rendering songs with excellent versatility.She looked like a very normal Indian lady yet that power from within was easily perceivable.
It is strange that I find two singers as empowered women.Singing per say has nothing to do with empowerment but when an empowered person sings it is different.It communicate more clearly to you and it takes you to a different level of apreciation and enjoyment.
I am sure that these two great artists of India have understood the supreme being through their musical journey which ultimately makes them empowered. So which ever way you choose,if it help you to find yourself your soul is liberated and you are empowered.Go ahead,decide what you want:nobody else can empower you.
Let there be light...............

1 comment:

  1. I am in total agreement with you. Empowerment is not a 'thing', which needs to be presented before you on a silver platter. It is a 'stature' that has to be achieved from within. Better be aware of our own strengths and try to nurture it rather than waiting in vain for a new dawn-break.
