Saturday, November 20, 2010


Its a curious thing that Cricket, a game designed for English summer is the biggest business in Indian subcontinent now.People quote the 1983 world cup win and media penetration as the reason for this immense popularity.But I believe that there are deeper psychological reasons.Cricket as a game is very much like our "unity in diversity".It is a loosely knit team game where individual performances matter more than the actual team work. So an individual with proper training can shine and win irrespective of the weaker links in the team.In cricket, there is lot of time to analyse and speak unlike other fast paced team games like football and volley ball where the action is fast and continuous.And there is a lot of statistics involved which the calculating,EMI addicted middle class can well identify with. i do not think cricket will ever be appealing to mediterrenian people who are more active and outdoor.Here we as a nation prefer to sit and talk more which is possible during the commercial breaks which appear after every over.
So before blaming anybody else for the over popularity of cricket at the cost of other games, one should think of how it became popular.
Indian sports in general have a long way to go because we have not yet developed any proper system of infrastructure and training.Still there are individuals who shine in every sporting event in india and cricket being more individualistic obviousely perform better than other team games. Commercial interests and advertisement friendliness of the game adds to the current situation.
let us hope that a proper system and culture of sports will develop in India sometime and all forms of sports get importance.

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